
Almost every feature is available from the menus, via Alt or accelerator keys. Many features are also available from the context menu. The context menu appears when you right-click anywhere within a track EXCEPT over a slider.

Right-clicking over a slider draws a selection. If there wasn't a selection before, a new selection is drawn from the slider thumb to the cursor position. Otherwise the nearest end of the previous selection is extended or trimmed. It's also possible to draw a new selection by holding down the right button and dragging the cursor. To delete a selection, right-click on the slider's background; that's the area just outside the slider channel.

For all sliders except position, a selection limits the range of the automation. If there's no selection, automation uses the slider's full width. For position sliders, a selection effectively creates a sample within the audio file.

An automation slider can be distinguished from an ordinary slider by its transport indicator, which is a small colored circle on the slider thumb. To show or hide a slider's automation dialog, press the middle mouse button, AKA the mouse wheel. Ctrl+left-click also works. There's also a hidden accelerator key: while a slider has focus, pressing A shows its automation dialog, and pressing A again hides it.

Within a slider, Shift+left-click restores the slider to its default position. This is mostly useful with pan and pitch sliders. The arrow, Page Up/Down, Home, and End keys affect the slider position, as does the mouse wheel.

While a dialog has focus, some accelerator keys won't work. Dialogs can define their own accelerator keys, which may differ from the main menu's.

Many of the control bars contain automation sliders; this means you can automate crossfades, tempo changes, mixer or master volume changes, etc.

A control bar can be shown and hidden using the same accelerator key. For example, pressing V shows the volume bar, and pressing V again hides it. The multi-track edit dialogs behave this way too, e.g. F6 both shows and hides Pan.

In general, Edit and Track menu commands operate on either the selected tracks, or if no tracks are selected, on the current track. The current track is indicated by a red track number. A track becomes current when its controls are used, or when its context menu is activated. To make a track current without changing anything else, left-click on the track's name.

Tracks are named after their audio file by default, but they can be renamed. To rename a track, double-click on its name, or if it's the current track, press F2.

Many operations can be performed on multiple tracks at once, e.g. mute/solo, toggle play, toggle loop, etc. using either the menus or the shortcut keys.

To select a track, left-click over its number. Shift-left click has the usual effect, and drag selection is also supported. Selection is a toggle, so tracks can be deselected using left-clicking or drag-selecting. To deselect all tracks, press Esc, or click on the main window background (if any is visible). Unlike most Windows programs, Mixere implements multiple selection without the Ctrl key.

Newly-loaded audio files acquire default track attributes. The default track attributes can be changed using the Set Defaults command. The idea is that you set one track to have the attributes you want, and then record its attributes, using Set Defaults. You can restore the standard defaults by using Set Defaults on an empty track.